Monday, July 3, 2006

randomness. =)

i guess i am just kinda bored stuck in the coll's library with nothing to do. okay, maybe not exactly nothing to do, but just lazy. i am lazy to study. who isnt?

i took some pics of my lil doggie that day and i thought it would be so cute to post it here. look.

so cute rite? hehe. he look so blur. =)
this is another one. he's sulking.

he wasn't in a mood to be a model. =)
so i did this. xp

oops. hehe. i am not that mean-la, just for laughs..
i always bully my dog, in a nice way okay. dun get me wrong.
he is the most pampered dog around my neighborhood.
fancy getting to sleep in an air-con room, with a big fat pillow,
eating yummy food everyday. PAMPERED. by us.

well, i did my oral presentation today. in all black outfit. =)
and i am quite contented with it given that i never did any practise.
Thank God. i was nervous but manage to overcome it.
and so it's done! *phew*

oh, and monash is having some kind of information week, so all my classes are cut short to only a mere 45 minutes. *yay* more break times. class ends early. man, i am happy.

but actually i have alot alot to cacth up. need to start studying hard. real hard.

okay, i promise to study once i get home. =)

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