Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I missed you.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Good things come in small packages

And to think that the feeling of loneliness was resurfacing, delighted she was to hear the doorbell ring, and in comes her with a small red package. Still drowsy, with hint of sickness, she smiled. (:

Five minutes later, he came. With the exact same package in his hand.

Now I feel very loved. (:
Thanks you, for the little surprises.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


In a week’s time, I’m going to feel that pain.
Ache in the heart of having to endure the distance barrier.

It comes to a point of time where everyone has to reach for their dreams.
Spread their wings to fly to achieve it.

I need to learn to go through this phase of life. I need God to help me.

Life is definitely throwing lemonades at me.
I’m not complaining. It is making me stronger inside.

A certain friend of mine managed to pass the SIA interview,
And now am going through changes to transit to a new stage of life.
I truly wish her the best in her airlines career.

It’s going to be different after that.
In a month’s time, I’m going to have to bid more goodbyes to those that matters to me most. They say distance doesn’t matter, but just so you know, it does. It makes the heart fonder, and definitely matures the thinking of how to treasure the friendship. The memories itself can already bring a smile to my face.
I’m holding on to this special friendship of mine.

Even though it takes more effort than it used to.

As for this week, I’m going to make the best out of it.
It started out sucky though, with lemons hurled at me.
I’m trying to make lemonades out of it, but squeezing the lemons aren’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. It took much more perseverance and determination.
Discipline is what I lack most.

Just so you know, just sitting together in that comfortable silence is sufficient.We both knew each other too much. (:

Be strong, girl.
And cheers to a better journey ahead of you.
I will always be a call away when you need a listening ear.

Much love,

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


And there she stood,
So silent, still.
One tear drop plummet down the flushed cheeks.
She couldn't take it any longer.
Never would she have imagine something like this to happen.

He observed her with great lengths.
She was literally shattered, and his heart broke at the sight of it.
Overcome with emotions, he drew her to his arms and hugged her.
Never wanting to let go.
And whispered:" I won't let anyone hurt you again. Never."

She glanced up, and saw the assurance from the glint of his eyes.
One thing she knew, that every time she falls, need not she worry.
For he will always catch her when she falls.

The hurt was painful, but time heals.
At least, she hoped.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Me and you

"When you're in love you never really know whether your elation
comes from the qualities of the one you love,
or if it attributes them to her;
whether the light which surrounds her like a halo comes from you,
from her,
or from the meeting of your sparks."

~Natalie Clifford Barney

Just made myself a cup of nescafe, with two packets of 3 in 1,
and a spoonful of milk powder.
Best recipe. (:
My dose to last me the night finishing up my company reporting.
Am very motivated to do a good job on it.
Need to stop blog hopping.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Delightful treats

Of sparkling juices in Starbucks tall cup filled with ice,
20 mini doughnuts signifying the 20 years of age,
Unlighten candles, singing the birthday song.
Sitting by the pool, dipping our legs.
Scribbles on the lids of the cups, with a handmade card.

Nothing exceptional great, but it was those simple meaningful memorable ones.
The ones where you get the comfort of being around true friends, who don't judge.
Chatting about the moon and the stars to work and plans, seemingly never ending.

Lynn's 20th birthday.
This was awhile ago, I just felt like jotting it down.
For future references. (:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

“Hurtful words are like a two edged sword.
It pierces through the opponent’s heart,
and is directed back to your heart, deeper and sharper.
And when you realize it, it’s too late.
Because these words come out before you even think twice, during anger.”

New philosophy, to moderate words.

Been loaded with assignments.

Company Reporting is due next Wednesday.
Management Accounting is due next Friday.
Money and Capital Markets is due following Wednesday.

Current process? 0%.

I'm so great at time management.
Gotta kick start my assignments.