Monday, July 31, 2006

sometimes i take things for granted.

apart from that, i do take things from granted. *sigh*
it's just a bad habit.

anyway, few things made me very happie for the few days. =p

1. i got a merit in my grade 8 piano theory exam. (yay!)
2. i got a distinction in malaysian studies. (unbelievable for someone who do not attend ms)
3. jord cooked lunch for me. (so sweet, lolx)
4. my foosball is better than last time. (i think so. xp)
5. best ranger is over. (stress free)
6. its raining this few days, makes the weather cold and chilly. (i like rain.)

yup. well, most of all results did made my day. heh.
i wanna study hard to make myself happie. sound so nerd.
but i also talk but no action.
only foos foos foos.

the 7 o'clock 8tv show is really good.
and the actors are hawt!
the magician's of love

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