Tuesday, January 2, 2007

the start of something new

a year ended, a start to a new one.
2006 has somehow been a bittersweet year for me, with loads of tears and laughters..
i guess, it somehow sums it all up.
but definitely i am hoping on to a better year this 2007.
realization of the mistakes and errors i did, but yet unable to change the consequences, but made me mature year after year.
i did learn alot in 06. my eyes seen more in the reality world, that life isnt a fairy tale, no matter how we want it to be.
the harshness of the world must we be strong to face, if not we crumble.

college life is very much different from high school life, with so much more freedom and the ability to make choices, and it takes much strong will to stay right.
and working life totally sucks. okay, it doesnt suck to the max.. i did enjoy part of it. =)
there are those bossy ppl around you who think they are oh-so-powerful. and there are those who treat you good, with no intentions. and well, you get to see loads of different types of personalities and the bad side of ppl. harsh.
now that i still have three years of uni life, i am definitely going to make full use of it and enjoy study life. life without much stress. =)

and i was debating whether to make any resolutions this year..
reason is because by half the year i will forget my resolution and i hate failing to do things i plan.
after much thought, i've decided to only make a few important ones. those that matters most to me.

> to excel in my studies. as in seriously. been playing too much all along. this year, i must change. try to get some scholarship to lessen the parents burden. which means lots of sacrifices to make and loads loads loads of discipline. who said uni life is easy?
> to get a good grade in my piano diploma. and to be able to get a part time job as a piano teacher which will earn me some pretty handy pocket money and as well gain some experience.
> to be closer to God. i admit that i have been pushing God a lil side last year.. this year, i'll change. no excuse.

actually, i only have three main goals this year. i mean, i can list down more than a hundred resolutions on and on, but these are must-achieve-types.

fireworks at one u yesterday was awesome. especially when you're with special frens.
beautiful sparkles on the sky does melt the heart..
but i think that the crowd and jam-packed streets..
urgh, i dun think i will squeeze in just to see fireworks next year.
not worth it.
jia is off to uk. back to studies..
jord is off to ns.

and today is officially the last working day in italiannies. =)
*beams happily*
i am no longer bonded to a job. *phew*
free at last. heh. plus i have cash now.
hard earn cash. never felt so good before.
that sounded quite jakun. sigh.
i guess i am certainly going to miss my workplace.
plus the ppl i gotten to know there..
cheers to the new found freedom.

May 2007 be a year of blessings.

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