Wednesday, October 10, 2007

You know that 'I have a crush on you' thing?

So high school, yet it's such a cute thing.
Boy gives girl a flower, then scoots away straight away leaving the girl blushing with joy, smiling like never before.
Haha, okay, I'm just imagining too much.

But, everyone has a million crushes in their life.
Like, "I love Jay Chou! (note, i do not, just an illustration)"
In real fact, you do not really love him, just more of a slight crush on his music and looks probably. That's a crush.

I had a million dozen crushes too, even towards friends. (:
Yea, but it goes away real quick, like in a day, or in a few days.
Because human beings are such complex people.

And I still believe that crushes are very very sweet moments.

Anyhows, the celcom people promoting in Monash today is blasting off the music till it is driving me crazy.
Like hello? You put the booth exactly next to the library, and trying to get some peace to study is impossible. ):

And my finals is in two weeks time. I'm barely prepared for it.
How la. Stupid people.

Spend the last two days trying to get studying done in Macdonald, but results weren't very apparent as Macdonalds is far too cold, and a little bit of distractions here and there, oh well, considering the fact that I'm someone who finds it so hard to concentrate on a particular something. But, at least it was better than home, where it is more impossible to get studying done. Sky cafe is actually a much better option though, cause there have comfy cushy U-shape seats, and squishy red pillows. Service there is good as well, and they were nice enough to turn off the music for our sake. Food there is a little bit pricey though, a honey jasmine tea for RM5.80 does no good to the wallet.

Okay, enough rambles.
Get back to books. Doomsville's near.

Have a very nice week everyone.

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