a series of unfortunate events?
some pretty not-so-good things happened lately. pretty minor ones though.
and i think it is hilarious to others. when i think back bout those incidents, i feel quite dumb too. xp
1. forgetting to open the electronic gate.
i dunno what had gotten into me. but it happened in the morning. prob cuz i was still in dreamland. maybe. i shift the gear to reverse and just release the brek. and created quite a loud "bang". *oopsie*
well. at least the gate and the car are still functioning well with no dents. *phew* =p
2. falling flat on my bums.
okay, this sounds extremely funny. (even i couldnt help laughing at myself). i was getting into the car without my shoes on cuz i was in a rush. holding my shoes and sort-of-running-but-still-walking to the car. i wasn't aware that the floor was wet. and well, you know the consequences.
it was painful okay? *ouch*
taught me a pretty good lesson though to not run... on slippery grounds.
3. getting locked up somewhere....
lol. this is real scary. shall not elaborate on this though. =]
never will forget this. *shudders*
4. erm.. this.. shud i write it?
dumbest thing i ever did in my life. prob the most bimbo thing on earth.
pls dun dun dun laugh after reading this. i decided to write it here cuz practically so so many ppl know bout it edi. and i can read back this post next time and laugh at myself thinking how stupid i am. oh well, here goes.
i am typing it smaller so that it'll be harder to read. =]
yes. i tried to burn my hair thinking that it wont light up but just frizz.
that was what i thought cuz vincent was arguing with me that hair can burn.
so. i tried. and gosh was i so so so wrong.
hair burns very very very very fast indeed.
.... and the smell of burnt hair is terrible.
luckily thanks to my fast reflects. no major effects. *PHEW*
that's it. i dun wanna go on with what happen. pure stupidity.
=] lots of lessons learnt within a week eh?
thank God that all were pretty minor and were more to laughing events.
i really can't imagine otherwise.
there.. now my reputation is gone.
careless and blur and silly girl.
but will be growing up to become a more sensible and mature girl.
that sounds better.
anyway, this are experiences in life, ain't it??
i am currently freezing in the library. i cant believe how semangated i am to come to the library on a saturday to study. self-motivated myself to. lol. =]
but i think i can't last long.. wanna go home.
my aunt with her cute baby is currently at my house.
i wanna go home.
i wanna go home.
i want a hot cup of earl grey tea. or maybe mocha frapp.
you're so old. heh.
i dun think u read my blog tho..
but i a, typing it here, if you read my blog one day you will see this.
btw. one last thing. Johnny's restaurant( the steamboat restaurant) has the worst service ever.
ish. had dinner with my parents there few days back.
and yes. service is terrible( well, for the one in summit)
i just feel like ranting so much.
count down to finals is 2 days!
and count down to finish finals is 10 days! =] =] =] =]
can't wait man...
for hols not finals.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
against all odds- mariah carey and westlife
i am bored. or rather restless.
though i still have alot of studying to catch up.
finals in 7 days.
so unprepared. =(
and MUFY is coming to an end.
well.. i definitely will miss mufy, plus the ppl i have gotten to know this year..
it was indeed fun. fun. fun. =]
not to forget foosing.
tho i kinda lost a lil interest in it edi,
well. actually not in the mood to blog.
cuz i am sleepy and stress. ish.
i need chocolate and coffee.
and i wanna shop!
two more weeks to freedom! can't wait. =]
written by
4:00 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
I am blessed in so many ways.
at times which i dun even realize.
today is officially the last day of my holidays. or rather study break.
(yea, i am supposed to study not relax cuz my finals is in three two weeks time.)
okay. that sounds scary.
then after that, mufy will officially end and there comes the hols.
=] good sign eh? i am so looking forward for a real good hols.but i am scared of finals. so unprepared. yet the lazy me still have ample time to come online, play inklink, check mails. * i just cant help it*
better dun remind myself bout it. will really work hard.
it's a promise made to myself.
yup. lately its not happening. i cant go out anymore. grounded till finals.
except occasionally. like on tuesday.
i went to the curve with mum and sis.
the curve is really a nice place to walk. but not shop.
i didn't get to buy much at all. but food is good there. heh heh.
kim gary. baked cheese rice with pork chop. mMm. *yummylicious*
and we tried this drink called ginger honey lemon. oOo.
ginger really is urr.. how do i describe it. hot in a way yet soothing in another. =]
bored bored bored. sigh. shall just post random random pics here. and enjoy the last day of my hols just lazing around the house. sleeping like pig. =]
*me, man,ray*
pics taken during royal rangers COA. =]
this was taken last year. when i was still in uni. =]
king, jia, me.
kayak trip! all sunburn!
me and sis.
me and couzie in some wedding dinner.
some thoughts.. sometimes i feel so abandon from the inside. i've come to a point of realization that certain people only treat you as a fren when they need you. in times of their need, and when it comes to yours. *poof* they're gone... sigh. this world is so realistic. real.
but i know deep down that there's always one person who will be there for me.. God. In times of need and difficulties, He will be there to comfort and to help. =] Thank you Jesus, for your wondrous love and ever forgiving heart.. and for giving me second chances whenever i stumble, being the light of hope. I Love Jesus cuz He first loves me.
lionel richie-I call it Love.
written by
10:34 AM
Friday, October 6, 2006
you don't see me-paris hilton
funny that i find this song nice. like good.
i heart emo songs.
owh. and high school musical. =]
lol. a lil high on songs lately.
especially sad and emo songs.
finally trials is over! whopee! and i get my well-deserved one week break.
=] which will be spend studying anyway. *sigh*
but i will definitely make some trips to the shopping complex.
and watch movies.
now my hope is that my trials results are okay.
i did screwed up a few questions in each paper.
but i did put in effort. especially econs. fancy staying up till super early in the morning just to study. *prays hard*
and over the last week, i have been surviving with green tea and books.
thick books with loads of notes.
and big ring files that are exploding due to overly piling of notes.
and i have to start absorbing all the notes in my mind. cramming it all up.
and i had extra class for econs today. two hours.
but i shall not complain.
we went out for lunch at pyramid before going for class. so the full tummy help me pay attention in class. and i understand what was happening.
so proud of myself. =]
and its mooncake festival today.
actually i dun know what the real meaning it is for.
but i know mooncakes with salted eggs are nice. =]
will be out to play with candles and lanterns later. =]
so fun.
p/s: delifrance have really nice croissaints. especially those with cheese and chicken. mMm...
written by
4:42 PM