Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I am finally done with my accounts assignment.
*jumps for joy*

now i can crap 300 words easily. Thanks to those assignments and crazy word limits.
Finally, i can rest without worrying about assignment till May where all the crazy deadlines are up again.
But still, good sign, seeing that i'll be having a one week break from uni. (:
One week, for me to catch up on lectures and all.
Which still means no fun.
pfft. aih.

I really should be sleeping right now seeing that i have classes tommorow at 830 in the morning.
And i need those sleep so badly, but i'm feeling hungry.
Too much thinking does make you get hungry fast.
Anyway, tmr i am going to pamper myself by going to the movies.
Just for a lil break before i start again.

All the latest post are all filled with assignments. gaa.
i sound so nerd-y. (:
But i need good grades. to apply for some transfer program.
So be it that way.
Three years.. will pass very fast, right?right?

And yes, jia yi is back here in Malaysia again!!! (:(:(:
sadly, she has to study. And she's going for tuition.
so duh.
buutttttt stillll... JOY. <3

Stars make me go blind?? no..
I'm using far too too too much credit nowadays.
i want fuu-yoh plan.
Why doesn't maxis innovate like digi does?

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