Friday, July 13, 2007

When you go "Ahhhhh! Shoooooo cute!"

My niece is soooooooooo adorable! *pinches cheek*

Results are out. I'm not exactly very pleased with it.
It's not that it's not good, it's just that I knew I could've done better.
I don't like being average, I always wanted to be more than that.
Pure unsatisfaction.
I knew I shouldn't take assignments that lightly. Darn.

Yesterday I went to one U to have lunch with Wae lern before he returns back to aussieland.
Sri Melaka is not a bad place for lunch. Their mutton rendang is yummy, not spicy. (:
Owh, and I found out that they had this jusco member's sale.
Sooooooo crazy. The amount of people, and how they buy things as if it's free.
People really do respond to incentives. Fancy a one day sale. People go havoc.
But it was really a sale sale, where loads of things are 50% off and all sorts.
I hate crowds, especially those pushing and shoving. Urgh.
In the end, I managed to grab a bum equipment wallet, white in color. Pleased.

Life is returning to the normal routine in three more days.
Where the hustle bustle of classes and assignments floats up as priorities again.
But, a slight difference is that I'll be heading of to a survival camp, and bond with nature. Hahahah.

The feeling is just.... indescribable.

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