Monday, May 5, 2008

Cry on my shoulder

Cell was refreshing, in a way. (:
Motivates me to get close to God once again.
And lil notes like this, proves worthy at times.
When you need those encouragements to keep pushing on especially.

In between late nights, movies come along with handy earphones.
Alongside with indomee and coffee, it cheered the night somewhat.
Topped with incoming messages to make it less lonely.
I pretty much enjoy studying under these conditions you know.
Studying made fun 101.

Company Reporting-7th May
Management Accounting- 9th May
Financial Modelling- 19th May
Money and Capital Presentation, 19th May.
Finals starts on 5th June.

Gosh, the stress. ):

Things that came back from the US.
Thank you!

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