Monday, June 2, 2008

Post examinations blurbs

Am currently in Monash's library, second floor, seated comfortably with crossed legs in front of the computer screen with my books and notes splatted open in front of me. In between taking short breaks, the mind furiously commanded the hand to write lines after lines of management accounting equations and theories on fresh pieces of lined papers. 5 more new chapters to explore in three days deadline, the mind overworking trying to absorb everything like a sponge absorbing water. Just a little twist that sometimes it wanders off to another land, dreamland to be specific, as the body is crying out for the lack of rest. Oh, and some people are just quite unreasonable, blasting their music on their headphones so loud hello-I-can-hear-you-from-miles-away!. It's settled already though, cause I already told two people off (in a nice way), it's distracting. Still, there is the printing machine's sound that keeps going on, and the clacking of the keyboard, and occasional small talks among people surronding me. How come library like that one.

But all is cool. I've set out an impromptu plan that is pretty unbreathable for the next 19 days. Three days each for all the subjects, from chapter 1 to doing past year papers, I am going to do the unthinkable of trying to gulp down half a year's work in merely half a month. Wheee* It's going to be a battlefield, with me on one side, and the examination papers on the other. Thing is, I lacked the army of fuel and strength, while the other side is prepared for war, smirking at me. Sometimes I feel so incapable in times like this, and am still amazingly surprise what a procrastinator I am, seemingly being able to blog at a time like this. I have to quit my procrastinating habit. But I have been here since 9.30am, so I deserve a ten minutes short break. I solely wanted to run down to the cafeteria to grab my chocolate bubble tea for a deserving treat to awaken the mind, only dismayed to find out I forgot my wallet again. Yes, again. I think this is the 12903894 time I forgot my wallet. Hmph. Am furious at myself. How can I do so stupid things. ):

So now I have to study with an empty stomach, binging on my only available source of food, m&m's, which clearly isn't enough. I want my bubble tea! Ok, I have an alternative of walking myself to sunway, to borrow money from my friend, but it's so far (relatively), and it's so sunny outside. Bleaurgh, I'll just skip lunch. Can fulfill my plan of getting a fitter body. Hehe, and y'day I even motivated myself enough to step on the treadmill and jog for 20 mins. Yay! Who wants to join me on my quest? Haha, option 1: Jogging at Kiara (Hill or park, you choose), option 2: Swimming @Kiara Club, option 3: Badminton sessions, option 4: Cycling at FRIM (or just for the matter around my housing area), option 5: dance classes (which will involve forking out money, geez), option 6: Tennis (hehehehe).

Right, back to the books, scribbles, water, m&m's, highlighters, phone messages, more accounting theories, and a dry sponge as my mind, absorbing it all. Half-contented, for the mo.

[edited: 2.53pm]
Oh, I manage to get my bubble tea with ham and cheese sandwich for my lunch, which really really cheered me up. Weather's really bad, with strong wind and heavy raindrops. Perfect for an afternoon nap actually. And oh, thank you for sparing me money to boost my momentum. And no, I didn't have to walk to Sunway. (:

Back to nerding!

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