Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
And was pretty mad to find out that the outlet in NZX doesn't have wifi. ):
14th May 2008- Marks a very special day for two of the special people in my life, the sister, turning 17, and esther, 21 . So the celebration started when the clock struck twelve, for Queen Esther* . Pakated with her coll mates to "snow" her with icing sugar and flour. Alongside a hand baked cake by her coll mates topped with choc drizzle and a crown. I'm glad you liked the suprise, and just so you know, this friendship means a whole lot to me. (:
1.30am. Taken in the middle of the road.
Glad to experienced snow! Tsktsk.
Dinner was at Marche, Curve. Interesting concept, [stamped*]
Pizza, and rissotos.
13th May 2008- Itchy fingers made me snap away of my garden, in attempt to get better shots. Pretty satisfied with the outcome, but feeling that it's getting mundane. After exams, am inspired to get more inventive.
Fiji, alongside plants and planks.
11th May 2008- Mother's Day. Helped out at nursery taking care of 30+ happy jolly kids who never wanted to sit down. Havoc, yet I had tons of fun! Kids are just, so innocent. And I was being a sweet daughter to wake up early to whip up an american breakfast.
Gustavo. And his 1001 silly perfect pictures.
My work of art working the DSLR. Not that good though. ):
24th April 2008- Lynne's farewell @Sushi Zanmai, pyramid. It was a bittersweet affair, but people say distance don't matter, as long as the heart is there. (:
Huggles bundles*
23rd April 2008- Oei Han's 20th. Celebrated at Wong Kok. Just so we could get that big jug of teh ais. Which I think it's a con job thing cuz the amount of ice they throw in that jug is abundance.
22nd April 2008- Paddington's with the bestie. And of doing random silly things for the last few times. Now she's all the way in Sg, training to fly and achieve her dreams. (:
Our lil symbols*
Dressing room times. (:
Haha, never knew skinny jeans could look so good.
6th April 2008- Terence & Debbie's wedding. One of the loveliest wedding I've ever been to. Click here to read more about them. Only three miserable pictures here though. It showed that waiting for God's timing proves fulfilling and promising. Purity in marriage, true love. Put a smile on my face. (:
Whoa, freaking long post. Now, I shall go and study. Lessen my guilt. (:
P/s: I have no idea what's wrong with my fonts, and spacing.
written by
4:40 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thank you, you.
She handed her RM50 to the cashier, only disappointed to hear a word saying, "Sorry, no change". She frantically started rummaging through her wallet, having to find only a few coins clinking, enough to make up only about a dollar. A guy came up behind her, waiting in the line. Hopeless, she turn to him, "Do you happen to have change for RM50?"
Dismayed, she almost began to walk away when he slid on the counter a 1 dollar note, with two fifty cents, making up 2. "Here's all I got, top it up for that drink okay?" Gratefully she accepted it, smiled at him, and top it up with her coins and handed it to the cashier. She managed to mutter: "Thanks, when can I pay you back?"
"Nah it's alright." He replied.
Her heart silently whispered:" Thank you, you. Eventhough you didn't know my name, you gladly offered help, without expecting anything in return"
You know, this kind of little things are those worth remembering by jotting it down. It makes me believe that nice people still exists in this world. I mean, he could have just kept quiet and walk away, and probably I have to walk to another shop just to get change, but no, he chose to make a difference. Practicing random kindness to strangers.
I should learn to be like that too. Doing that little bit to make the world a happier place, a place that practices strangers are just friends that we are yet to meet. Come to think of it, just within this few days, I've made new bonds, new friendships. Friendship that I never thought could happen. It all started with a smile, followed by a little conversation on common interest, then it slowly blossoms. All it required was that bit of courage to say hi, to break the ice.
God has been teaching me alot. Being stubborn it took very long to make changes in my life. I was indignant to let my pride down by being the first to say hi, or even ask for help when I need to, and slowly I learn through people that it ain't hard. Don't judge a book by it's cover, because some people are just so warm inside, even when they don't seem to be.
Those few incidents really was an eye opener for me. To experience it, to absorb it, and hopefully, practice it in future. Learning that putting on that sour face isn't going to help the situation, but worsen it. Additionally, to try starting each day with a bright smile plastered on the face, and it'll soon grow onto you.
written by
4:18 PM
Labels: Heart felt
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A lil reminiscence
It was a conversation on an offer for another job, with a surprising good pay. (SEE I AM NOT A WORKAHOLIC, note:ziyan)
Turned it down because of more important things in life. And while I was at it, I was reminded of my working times in Italiannies, a quaint restaurant.
Memorable moments:
#1 Cute lil Renoma girl whom we(the lifeless hostess) stalked. Renoma is opposite Italiannies and the owner has a cute daughter. Anyway, whenever we see her, we'll squeal and wave like some mad women, and give her balloons, courtesy of Italiannies. Hohoho. She was a source of motivation when it gets so bored during the weekdays you know.
#2 Then there was this bunch of Japanese (or is it Korean I can't remember) young mothers who gathers quite often. Five of them with five prams of babies. And they had to occupy the biggest table available. Very entertaining because the babies are so cute! Haha, okay, my working life seems enriched by babies.
#3 And yes, this is one of those things that I miss. Alot. I love Italiannies' complimentary bread. Focacia bread, not the tuscan. Omg I love to steal bread, and I always offer to cut the bread for the waiters. Okay, but I don't get why people dip it with vinegar and oil though. Makes it all mushy and er, gross.
#4 And probably the best part was if I were to dine in with friends I get 50% of the bill. (: To make it all worthwhile, I dine there for I think four to five times in that measly one month. I know, so worth it. But sadly from what I heard, there isn't such privelledge no more. ):
#5 My sampat beloved hostess who cheered my working days. We did the silliest things together, from playing crosswords at the hostess table and ended up kena scolding, to messaging like crazy when we're not supposed to, and her random lame jokes, to saying hi to random people who walked past to cure our boredom. Fun times. Haha.
#6 Toilet time. (: The toilet was just situated in front of the store (not directly of course, but relatively near) And to make the best out of my working hours, I'll take my time in the toilet, sitting down, dolling up a little.. etc.
#7 Having one nice manager. Who constantly brought free food for us. Calamaries were on top of the list, followed by yummy deserts, and chicken. Oh yea, we had pizza too.
Okay, I'm out of my mind.
Need to rejuvenate by sleeping.
Hurrah to two assignments down.
One more presentation, one more assignment to go.
And there comes the big finale.
Best part is the after part. (:
Loads of plans forming up!
written by
5:31 AM
Monday, May 5, 2008
Cell was refreshing, in a way. (:
Motivates me to get close to God once again.
And lil notes like this, proves worthy at times.
When you need those encouragements to keep pushing on especially.
Alongside with indomee and coffee, it cheered the night somewhat.
Topped with incoming messages to make it less lonely.
I pretty much enjoy studying under these conditions you know.
Studying made fun 101.
Financial Modelling- 19th May
written by
12:59 AM